Friday, November 5, 2010

Celebrity Cruise Line Print Ads

These advertisements are mostly directed towards parents for an adult only cruise.
You can click on the photos to zoom in on the body copy.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Carnival Cruise Message in a Bottle

Guerilla Ad #2

In order to show people the fun they will be having on a Carnival ship voyage, messages will be sent out rolled up in plastic bottles to people’s houses as if they are a message thrown off a ship.  This is the actual message. 

Carnival Cruise Coaster

Guerilla Ad #1
In order to get people excited for the party atmosphere that they can experience on the cruise ship, we need to get into the fun these people are currently having and show them how they can make it even better by going on the cruise.  People will be sent out to popular bars at selected parts of the country to promote the ships.  Each person at the bar will be offered a complimentary drink that anyone who wants one can have.  Every drink will be placed on a carnival coaster.

Home-Made Halloween Costumes

The Rugrats



Tiffany's Box

Bananas in Pajamas

Flo the Progressive Lady

Vinyl and Printing work on 
Tiffany's Box and Progressive Outfit
done by Lisa Ohland

Friday, October 8, 2010

Contemporary Interior Design

Taking a regular bedroom and making it contemporary on a budget.



Bathroom Design (Don't have a Before Picture)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Party

This party was based on the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory movie.

Please sign the contract at you enter.

Let's take a look at the Edible Wallpaper.

Maybe it's time to enter the main candy room...

Fruit and other goodies for the Chocolate Fountain

Tine to see the Fizzy Lifting Room

Golden Ticket Jello Shots

Chocolate Shots in Chocolate Shot Glasses

Are you a Good egg or a Bad egg?

Party Planned with Sarah Lanen